Crew Wellington is the directory for film crew available for work in the Wellington region and for the companies that supply our industry.
Kia Ora!
Wellington, the Hutt Valley, Kapiti, the Wairarapa and the Manawatu are amazing places to make a film. And Crew Wellington is where you find the people, facilities and resources to do it.
Crew are listed in categories in which they have proven professional experience. All the studios and companies we feature have a proven record in the film industry.
Use the menu on the left to find who you need. There is a CV, contact details and a secure email form on every page.
To get your own personal webpage on Crew Wellington, or for any other enquiries, email us at info@crewwellington.co.nz
We are open all day, every day. If it's really urgent, call us on 021 2524223.
For Auckland crew, go to www.crewauckland.co.nz and www.filmcrews.co.nz
And for all other enquiries about filming in Wellington, visit the great team at https://www.screenwellington.com/
Love your work,
Graeme/Buddy/Jess and Crew.
All information and content on this site is the property of the owners of Crew Wellington and our members.
It is not to be copied or shared without permission.

Crew Wellington is the directory for film crew available for work in the Wellington region and for the companies that supply our industry.
Kia Ora!
Wellington, the Hutt Valley, Kapiti, the Wairarapa and the Manawatu are amazing places to make a film. And Crew Wellington is where you find the people, facilities and resources to do it.
Crew are listed in categories in which they have proven professional experience. All the studios and companies we feature have a proven record in the film industry.
Use the menu on the left to find who you need. There is a CV, contact details and a secure email form on every page.
To get your own personal webpage on Crew Wellington, or for any other enquiries, email us at info@crewwellington.co.nz
We are open all day, every day. If it's really urgent, call us on 021 2524223.
For Auckland crew, go to www.crewauckland.co.nz and www.filmcrews.co.nz
And for all other enquiries about filming in Wellington, visit the great team at https://www.screenwellington.com/
Love your work,
Graeme/Buddy/Jess and Crew.
All information and content on this site is the property of the owners of Crew Wellington and our members.
It is not to be copied or shared without permission.