Showing all 6 results
Jules Longdin-Prisk

Jules Longdin-Prisk

Highly experienced Video Assist and Digital Imaging Technician (DIT) providing services and equipment to the NZ film industry since 2009. Skilled QTAKE video assist system operator – providing mix and overlay, field editing, rapid playback and continuity checks, local and remote streaming. Specialist Data Management and Rushes Transcoding, ensuring that footage is offloaded and duplicated…

Jakub Boguslawski

Jakub Boguslawski

Well experienced in Camera and Art Department. Great CV. Jakub_B_CV_2023

McKay Findlay

McKay Findlay

2AC, based in Wellington. Good credits on local and international productions. MCKAY FINDLAY CV 240215  

Joseph Crawford

Joseph Crawford

Experienced Editor and DIT with a range of other videography skills.  Having worked throughout the video and film industry for over 20 years, Joseph brings an appreciation of the entire process to his work in post-production. His recent work in VR continues to show his appreciation of new technology and immersion. Editing experience includes trailers,…

Martin Le Breton

Martin Le Breton

Experienced DIT, Video Playback Operator, Data Wrangler. Over 12 years of experience in Europe, New Zealand and overseas in broadcast and movie industries. Also Motion Capture Technician with Weta Digital (MoCap video engineering, MoCap volume setup). Credits include Avatar 2/3, Mortal Engines, Alita Battle Angel. CV_MLB_2021

Jason Naran

Jason Naran

Experienced Video playback and DIT technician – serving the NZ film industry for over 15 years. With many large international film credits, episodic TV and also NZ features and TVC’s. Can supply a range of equipment – from monitors, recorders, wireless video, QTake, data wrangling, remote streaming, location internet, etc. Australian and New Zealand credits.…